Global Teaching and Preaching is primarily an evangelistic missions organization which specializes in explaining the Christian message in three primary venues: crusade preaching, teaching pastors, and university instruction. The pastors are taught in seminars a variety of courses which will enable them to be more effective in ministry. Online courses are provided for the training of pastors in subjects such as theology, Old and New Testaments, church history, preaching, leadership, missions, evangelism, and Bible study methods.
Working with directors in various countries, Global Teaching and Preaching’s mission is to help enable those interested and called to ministry to fulfill their ministry. Courses are also provided for those who have credentials from universities and seminaries but desire to expand their current knowledge of the practice of their ministries.
Global Teaching and Preaching is an evangelical organization and holds to the essentials of the Christian faith without being divisive and rigid concerning the doctrine which is held. The teaching and preaching is characterized by both breadth and depth as those who are affiliated have academic credentials from highly-ranked seminaries and universities and have had experience in many facets of Christian ministry such as the pastorate, university and seminary teaching. Select books and literature are also an important emphasis of Global Teaching and Preaching as many of the published works are found in the most prestigious libraries and are used as text books.
If you are interested in being a vital part of this ministry, please make your online gift today. All funds collected go for direct costs to train pastors and to conduct crusades in some of the most spiritually-destitute areas of the world. You will receive immediately a tax deductible receipt for your contribution along with an explanation of how your gift for the Lord’s work will be used.
If Christ has put it in your heart to donate to our missions and causes click the link below. Every dollar counts as we strive to spread the Gospel throughout the World.